A study trip to Balarampur Chini Mills Limited, Haidergarh, Uttar Pradesh

A study trip to Balarampur Chini Mills Limited, Haidergarh in Uttar Pradesh, located on the connecting road between Haidergarh town and Pokhra village was organised under the Aspire Programme on 22nd March 2024. The company has a crushing capacity of 5000 tonnes of cane per day along with a 20.25 MW cogeneration plant fuelled by bagasse. In addition to a 3 MW turbine generator to export power to the grid, the plant operates a boiler with a nominal capacity of 120 TPH incorporating a traveling grate with electric drive which is particularly developed for burning bagasse. Furthermore, the plant also incorporates an extraction cum condensing turbo generator set with a nominal capacity of 20.25 MW and steam inlet parameters of 84 kg/cm2 and 510⁰C. In overall, the Balaram Chini Mills Limited, Haidergarh showcases a high level of decarbonisation practices. The study trip enabled in fostering a deeper understanding of the IEED technologies adopted by the company in sugar sector in India.
Date: 22nd March 2024
- Event Summary Report (List of participants is included in Annexure of the report)
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