Launch of iDEEKSHA portal by Shri R.K. Singh, Hon’ble Union Cabinet Minister of Power and New & Renewable Energy in the presence of Secretary (Power) and Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

The iDeeksha portal was launched by the Hon’ble Cabinet Minister for Power, New and Renewable Energy Shri R.K. Singh during the 21st Foundation Day Event of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on 1st Mar 23 in Delhi.
iDeeksha (Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Knowledge Sharing Platform) has been developed under the UK-India bilateral programme - Accelerating Smart Power and Renewable Energy in India (ASPIRE), which is being implemented by Foreign Commonwealth and Development office, Government of UK in association with the Ministry of Power, Government of India.
The iDeeksha portal has been developed in collaboration with the BEE to promote and share best practices & energy-efficient technologies among large energy intensive industries. iDeeksha portal is a one-stop shop for all energy efficiency needs of large industries covered under BEE's PAT Scheme and would facilitate in several areas, including the following:
· Exchange of knowledge, information and best practices on energy management to enhance peer to peer learning
· Enable Designated Consumers (DCs) in adopting new and emerging industrial energy efficiency and decarbonisation (IEED) technologies and best practices available in India and globally including from the UK
Date: 1 st March 2023
- Agenda ( Event slide desks are hyperlinked to name of the sessions)
- Event Summary Report (List of participants is included in Annexure of the report
- Gallery