Business Trip to the United Kingdom (UK) : Industrial Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation.

A business trip to the UK, scheduled from 20th to 23rd May 2024, was undertaken by delegates from the energy-intensive Indian aluminium and cement industries to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and best practices aimed at accelerating India’s energy transition journey. The delegation included representatives from the Ministry of Power (MoP), Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), and the ASPIRE team. This trip was organised as part of the development of the Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Knowledge Sharing (IDEEKSHA) platform, an initiative designed to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange in the field of industrial decarbonisation and energy efficiency. This strategic visit aimed to strengthen Indo-UK cooperation, foster innovative approaches, and support the adoption of sustainable energy practices within India’s industrial sectors.
Date: 20thto 23rd May 2024
- Event Summary Report (List of participants is included in Annexure of the report)