Policy Roundtable on Enabling Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency in Aluminium and Cement Sectors: Utilising Spent Pot Lining (SPL) and other waste products of Aluminium Sector

The ASPIRE Programme, in collaboration with the BEE organised a Policy Roundtable in Bureau of Energy Efficiency Office,Sewa Bhawan, New Delhi on 9th June 2023. The policy roundtable focused on‘Enabling circular economy and resource efficiency in Aluminium & Cement sectors: Utilising spent pot lining and other waste products of Aluminium sector’. The primaryobjectives of the policy roundtable were (1) Explore SPL's potential in the circular economy and assess suitable approaches and technologies; (2) Identify policy interventions for safe SPL disposal or reprocessing; (3) Address challenges in SPL management, including safety and regulatory compliance; (4) Foster collaboration for sustainable SPL management, enhancing resource efficiency and reducing environmental impact.
Date: 9th June 2023