Sectoral Workshop on Best Practices in Energy Efficiency in Cement Sector: A Path for Decarbonisation

A one-day Cement sectoral workshop was organised under ASPIRE Programme. The sectoral workshop on “Best Practices in Energy Efficiency & Decarbonisation in Cement Sector” was organised at Radisson Hotel, Lake City Mall, Udaipur on 14th March 2023. The workshop deliberated on some innovative measures adopted by Indian cement manufacturers and new-age technologies and solutions required to accelerate the decarbonisation of the cement sector. During the workshop, technology suppliers from UK and India presented some new and innovative technologies to enhance industrial energy efficiency and decarbonisation (IEED) measures including CCUS, Low energy drying for cement products, AI based platform for cement production, etc.
Date: 14th March 2023
- Agenda ( Event slide desks are hyperlinked to name of the sessions)
- Background Note
- Event Summary Report (List of participants is included in Annexure of the report)
- Gallery