Sectoral Workshop on Best Practices in Energy Efficiency in Sugar Sector: A Path for Decarbonisation.

A one-day sectoral workshop on Sugar industry was organised under ASPIRE Programme. The sectoral workshop on “Best Practices in Energy Efficiency in Sugar Sector – A Path for Decarbonisation” was held in Hotel Renaissance, Lucknow on 21st March 2024. The workshop contemplated on some new and innovative measures adopted by Indian sugar manufacturers to accelerate decarbonisation in the sugar sector. The workshop displayed technology suppliers from UK and India who presented some novel technologies to elevate industrial energy efficiency and decarbonisation (IEED) measures such as CCUS technology, chemical absorption technique with aqueous methyl-diethanolamine (MDEA), introduction to digital technologies, etc.
Date: 21st March 2024
- Agenda ( Event slide desks are hyperlinked to name of the sessions)
- Background Note
- Event Summary Report (List of participants is included in Annexure of the report)
- Gallery