Study trip to Khanna Paper Mills, Amritsar, Punjab

Under the ASPIRE Programme, a Study Trip to Khanna Paper Mills was organised on February 14th, 2024. The facility specialises in manufacturing printing paper and paperboard using recycled paper waste, employing innovative technologies to maintain high-quality standards. With a daily production capacity of 400 tons, the plant utilises de-inked pulp in its paper production process. Khanna Paper Mills is equipped to generate 170 TPH of super-heated steam, contributing to a power generation capacity of 28 MW. This study trip proved instrumental in exploring energy-efficient technologies and advancing decarbonisation efforts within India's Pulp & Paper sector. The Study Trip facilitated valuable discussions and deepened participants' understanding of energy efficiency and decarbonisation initiatives implemented by the plant.
Date: 14th February 2024
- Event Summary Report (List of participants is included in Annexure of the report)
- Gallery